God created fathers for a good reason. Fathers are the inspirational pillars of our life. They protect us, feed us and take care of us. My Daddy is a farmer and figurately he not only feeds our family but the world. And when I was little, I thought my Daddy had the most important job of feeding everyone, not just us. So, in my eyes, my Daddy was the best and biggest! He had a lot to do every day to provide for us, and he never complains. My Daddy trusts our heavenly Father daily with our land and crops, which has taught me to lean on God for everything. My Daddy has always been a strong, patient man that works hards from dawn to dusk to provide for us, and what a gift that has been. I know I can always lean on my Daddy and know he can fix anything, just like our heavenly Father. We are to trust Him in everything, and He will answer. Thank you, Lord, for giving my siblings and me such an amazing father...I love you, Daddy!
Below is a round-up of some great gifts, all available at DaySpring!
~Blessings for the Day ✞o Encourage your Life~
Today, I want to share a sweet poem by May Patterson. May wrote this poem for her Dad for Father's Day, and he says it's the best Father's Day gift he's ever received. I hope it blesses you as much as it did me.
So, God made a father.
God said, "I need someone to take children fishing and play catch in the backyard. It must be someone who is tough enough to wield a chainsaw and yet, gentle enough to join his little girl and her dolls for tea.
I need someone to bring the car around when it's raining, so everyone else can stay dry. Someone who will keep jumper cables in his truck, just in case. I need someone to notice practical things, like how the tread on the tires is wearing and if the weather stripping around the front door needs replacing, for no one else will.
Yes, he will struggle to find his socks and keys. But I'll help him find time for the important things, like tumbling with the kids on the den floor, saying, 'I' m proud of you, son,' or giving Mama a hug.
I need someone to provide for the family. Someone who will get up early and stay up late and never complain.
I need someone who's willing to make unpopular decisions and stand by them. Someone to provide authority and discipline, as well as love.
I need someone who listens more than he talks. Who will stand by his family through laughter and tears, tornadoes and snowstorms, good times and bad? Someone who will love his kids and love their mother even more.
I need someone who is willing to carve the Thanksgiving turkey, for no one else seems to want the job.
I need someone who is not afraid to go into Grandma's dark cellar or to check on what goes bump in the night or to remove the dead mouse from the mousetrap.
I need someone with broad shoulders, broad enough to carry a little child around town and broad enough to pull more than his fair share.
I need someone strong enough to open the tight seal of a jelly jar. Someone who is tall enough to put the angel on top of the Christmas tree. And yet, I need someone who is gracious enough to let his son fish the best fishing hole or to let his daughter win at least one hand of gin rummy.
Yes, I need someone who is willing to work the second shift, or take second best, or play second fiddle so that his family can have it better than he did. I need someone who is willing to man up and provide the love, support, and strength his family will so desperately need."
So, God made a father.
Happy Father's Day!
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