Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Happy Blessed Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Week Everyone! For my family, it is a time of gathering and giving thanks to Our Lord for carrying us through this year. 2020, has been tough for everyone for different reasons, but I know God has been with us throughout it and will continue to be. He is our Constant! This year has been quite hard for our family... with losing 2 dear Aunts, a sweet Uncle, and then my precious Grandmother. (and not from the virus) Also, we lost 2 sweet kitties that we just adored and brought such joy each day. It seems we have been leaning & trusting on God more than ever. Just knowing He is Always there in the Good times and Bad times is a great comfort. I am so grateful that my family will be gathering around the Thanksgiving table this year, cherishing the time to together, seeing loved ones faces, and remembering the ones we lost. I will also be thinking of all of you as well. I pray you are able to be with your families this Thanksgiving! 

Thanksgiving is also the start of the Christmas season... from decorating to shopping for gifts, and family traditions. I love decorating for Christmas and the memories each year doing so with my family. I also love sharing the joy of Christmas and Jesus with others in need. Our family each year always prepares gift boxes for Operation Christmas Child. It is such a blessing and gives you such a good feeling in your heart knowing a child will have a gift to open this Christmas and a message of hope through Jesus Christ! It is amazing to be part of such a wonderful ministry. If you would like to pack a shoebox of your own you can do so by building a shoebox online. Bless Children Around the World Without Leaving Home! *CLICK HERE* Message from Samaritan's Purse-Now more than ever, children need great joy! You can give boys and girls in need a tangible expression of God’s love through a gift-filled shoebox packed from your computer or handheld device. In just a few clicks, you can select toys and other fun items to include as well as a letter and photo to delight the heart of a child. After we pack and ship shoeboxes like yours overseas, local believers share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with children as they distribute them. As a result, families are reached, new churches are started, and communities are transformed. It all begins with you. Pack a shoebox online today!

I hope you have a wonderful time this Thanksgiving week with your Family & Friends! 
Happy Thanksgiving! Blessings to You All, 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your wonderful family! Thank you for reminding us about Operation Christmas Child.



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