Friday, September 10, 2021

Let Us Not Forget.. Remembering September 11th ~ Plus Words of Hope & Encouragement

I still remember that day so clearly, it was a sunny and warm day, and as farmers, we were getting ready for the harvest season. Of course, we had our televisions on to the news, as we always do, to see local news, weather, and such before starting our day. A bright sunny day became quite dark right before our eyes. I recall seeing the 1st plane hitting the World Trade Center and I just froze, we all did. What is happening and then the 2nd plane hit and then the 3rd, then 4th, and all the world stopped. We were on the phone with family, just wanting to hear their voices, and holding on to the ones close nearby. Our country had just been attacked and little did I know then we would never be the same. I was young and naive and thought this didn’t just happen, it will get better soon, but the days ahead brought more sadness for so many that lost loved ones and war in Afghanistan. There was hope from so many stories of heroism and strength that were shown that day. Our country came together and became united like no other time in history and was strong, but sadly that has faded. With just the recent events of losing 13 service members in Afghanistan and pulling out like we did, I believe it has made our country so vulnerable once again. I pray on this weekend of the 20th Anniversary of September 11th, 2001, that we remember what our nation went through, pray for the ones that lost loved ones, we unite again as a country, and ultimately that God will save and protect the United States of America from the harm of the enemy ever again! Let us not forget, pray for our country, and lean on Jesus, who is our comfort through anything that we face.

The Word of God is mighty, all-powerful, and everlasting.  A remarkable story from 9/11 brought light to that for me. A firefighter while sifting through the rubble on Ground Zero after the 9/11 attacks on the twin towers, found a Bible fused to a chunk of steel. Amazingly, pages from this Bible remained and untouched by the evil and saved by God. The page the Bible was open to was so interesting. Of all the books, chapters, and verses in the Bible, the Bible was open to the book of Matthew, revealing Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and specifically a section titled “Retaliation”... Matthew 5:38-39:

“Ye have heard that it hath been said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth: But I say unto you, That ye resist not evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.” Matthew 5:38-39. It totally mesmerizes me that amidst the burning destruction of 9/11 and the remaining rubble, this fragile yet powerful piece of parchment was able to endure and send a lasting message to us all:

This scripture reminds us to consider our actions while we face hardships so that we respond lovingly, as Jesus would.

I know many of you know that God's word is my go-to comfort for all my needs, and I love sharing Jesus with you all! HE is Our Peace Always!

Let Us Not Forget, Stay Strong, And Be Safe Everyone!

Blessings, Nea

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